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Young Blackbirds 2022 (set)



Over dit product

Leesniveau: B, Young adult reader

Schooltype: VO onderbouw havo/vwo, bovenbouw havo/vwo en bovenbouw vmbo (2-4 havo/vwo, 3-4 vmbo)

Leeftijdscategorie: 13-16 jaar

Blackbirds zijn speciaal geselecteerde Engelse leesboeken van topauteurs. Je kunt ze lezen voor je lijst of gewoon voor jezelf. Elk schooljaar verschijnt een nieuwe set van drie Young Blackbirds, maar je kunt ook zelf een eigen keuzepakket samenstellen. De Blackbirds zijn afgestemd op de niveaus van Novellist. Deze boeken zijn geschikt voor de leeslijst voor de onderbouw havo/vwo, eventueel klas 4 havo/vwo en voor bovenbouw vmbo.

Inhoud set

  • Lauren Wolk - Echo Mountain
  • Markus Zusak - The Underdog
  • Gayle Forman - If I Stay

ECHO MOUNTAIN: Auteur Lauren Wolk, leesniveau B1

In the year 1933. When Ellie and her family lose everything, they flee to Echo Mountain. Ellie explores the mountain’s mysteries. But she can’t solve who’s leaving the gifts for her: tiny carvings of animals and flowers, dotted around for her to find. Then her father has a terrible accident. When she sets out to find a cure for him, she discovers Cate, the outcast witch, and Larkin, a wild mountain boy. Then she learns about being a healer, being brave - and how there can be more to a person than first meets the eye.


Lauren Wolk is a beautiful storyteller and her writing is exquisite. Set in the Maine wilderness during the Great Depression, her imagery in Echo Mountain is rich and poetic. Her characters are well-developed, with 12-year-old Ellie the kind of girl readers will want to befriend. Wolk’s plot is courageous, gripping, and humorous at times. Her deliberate pacing keeps reader’s fully engaged and wondering what will happen next.

Bron: Patricia Tilton via Echo Mountain by Lauren Wolk | Children's Books Heal (wordpress.com)

THE UNDERDOG: Auteur Markus Zusak, leesniveau B2

My name’s Cameron Wolfe. I have a little bit of sense. I don’t have much sense. My older brother Ruben gets me into plenty of trouble. I get Rube into as much trouble as he gets me into. I have a family, yes, that doesn’t really function without tomato sauce. That’s me. Cameron and Ruben are mostly throwing one-handed boxing matches and plotting to rob local dentists. But what Cameron wants is to meet a real girl, not like the ones in magazines. But who could ever love an underdog like Cameron Wolfe?

IF I STAY: Auteur Gayle Forman, leesniveau B2

In the blink of an eye everything changes. Seventeen year-old Mia has no memory of the accident; she can only recall what happened afterwards, watching her own damaged body being taken from the wreck. Little by little she struggles to put together the pieces- to figure out what she has lost, what she has left, and the very difficult choice she must make. Heart-wrenchingly beautiful, this will change the way you look at life, love, and family.


I am giving this book a 95.951% rating because I think this is the first contemporary novel that I have read this year that really surprised and touched my heart and soul which made me feel the emotions going through my body. Therefore, I highly recommend you guys to check out this miraculous novel if you have yet to read this blockbuster!

Bron: Max via If I Stay By Gayle Forman || Book Review – Maxxesbooktopia (wordpress.com)

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